A Wind is Blowing

A WIND is blowing but to which form must this WIND take saith the Lord?

A WIND is blowing, by what form do my people want it to come?

A WIND comes, but in what shape do my people expect it to be?

Yea it shall be one WIND but part shall be devasting and part shall show my glory.

Part shall be devastating in that, I shall judge my House and part shall show my Glory in the sense that they which are faithful and have held their faith shall see my Glory.

Yeah, a WIND cometh and I say in what form do my people expect it to come?

I shall pass over my House for as my word says; Judgement shall begin in my House!

And I shall leave the trace of my passing that man shall fear me and revere me in my House.

I shall cleanse my House by reason of my WIND.

It shall come in any form that I have assigned it to take!

Yea! It shall be by fire too saith the Lord.

For do you not know that I Am that I Am. In every House, in regards to what the formation of that House is, that will I assign Myself, by the element that deserves to be revealed in that House.

I say a WIND cometh!

Let my people be prepared and let them fear for Yea no one knows who shall fall as a victim in my coming.

I say I come to my House saith the Lord and I come to purge and to clean!

Say It To The Rest Of The Assemblies!

Let It Be Echoed In My House!

Tell The Other Brethren That Yea! The Lord Cometh!

He cometh as a devastating WIND and a WIND of Glory!

For they have said the Lord has spoken in times past and yet we have not seen Him come to accomplish what He has said!

But I say come to the people and I cometh to My House.

For it is My House and I shall establish myself and you shall know that which I have revealed to you this day shall come swiftly to pass!

Iā€™m doing a new thing and it is in regards to My Glory! In My House!

That which I have spoken, that I shall do!

Let them know that the Lord of Glory is coming to His House saith the Spirit of the Lord!
