Friend, I would like a bit of your time to discuss a very important subject with you and it is an amazing discovery from the word of God, which will change your life.
If we consider the ultimate definition of “junk” to be worthlessness, then no one falls into this category unless it is one’s choice. God created man in His image and likeness that is, moral abilities and the creative abilities either by the power of the tongue or the mind. Friend, no man comes onto this planet, which I call God’s “show case”, empty handed, but God, in His infinite wisdom has invested in every man a package to carry him/her through this life pathway.
Without a shadow of a doubt no one is deprived or exempted from this privilege. It is distributed without partiality, regardless of class, race or background. Whether one is disabled by any means, you can still be likened to a rich ground yet untapped but if you can carefully follow my counsel you will come to a place of accomplishment in life.
Listen to the voice of the Master Architect and Designer of your life the “God-man” Jesus Christ who says in St. John 15:5 “Without me you can do nothing “. In Proverbs 3:5-6, He says “Lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path”. Also, in St. John 1:4 He affirms that, in Him was life and the life was the light of men. Friend, you may be finding ways and means to bring your life into balance by living on drugs such as marijuana, cocaine even going to the crystal ball readers, sorcerers and other satanic places. You may even be in a good profession, having a wonderful partner and children, yet your life is still miserable and unbalanced. You are not exempted from being introduced to the Master Architect and life changer, Jesus Christ.
Come to Jesus Christ, He loves you and He will care for you.
Come to Him just as you are, there may be storms blowing against your life, be it spiritual, marital, financial, health or social problems. Don’t delay, come now!
Jesus loves you and we love you too.